Perspective for Boccaccio

FILOCOLO is a novel by Giovanni Boccaccio based on the then very popular story of Florio e Biancifiore. The most beautiful manuscript of this novel that we know about was made on commission from Ludovico III Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, in 1463/64 and is now in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. It has five outstanding illustrations, one for each book. This is one of them:

Maybe the most remarkable thing about this illumination is the perfect yet casual handling of perspective. The unknown artist sets himself an extremely difficult task with the building on the right and handles it well, yet the picture does not degrade into a mere technical exercise. Compare how Pietro Perugino handled perspective in his Delivery of the Keys in the Sistine Chapel nearly twenty years later.

Fulgentius metaforalis

Interesting forum post about a c. 1420 illuminated manuscript (Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Pal. Lat. 1066) of the Fulgentius metaforalis, here seen in the context of Tarot, with many illustrations and links.

Fulgentius metaforalis is a c. 1331 work by John Ridewall (Joannes Ridevallus) that interprets antique mythology (mainly based on Ovid) in a Christian way. The name is derived from Fabius Planciades Fulgentius, who had written similar works around 500 AD.

The illumination above shows Apollo and the muses.